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Aug , 179 Children and Youth Services Review , Vol . Evidence - based treatments in child abuse and neglect . Children and youth services review , 26 , 1097 – 1113 . Cohen ( 1998 ) . The monetary value of saving  The effects ofdivorce and marital discord on adult children's psychological well-being.

Children and youth services review

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Ethnic minoritypopulations and child psychiatry services: An Irish study Norbert Skokauskas, Maria Dunne, Alan Gallogly, Ciaran Clark PII: S0190-7409(10)00123-4 DOI: doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2010.04.014 Reference: CYSR 1320 To appear in: Children and Youth Services Review Received date: 24 January 2010 Revised date: 8 April 2010 Accepted date T. Park and B. Pierce Children and Youth Services Review 108 (2020) 104624 2. In their study, the researchers found that organizational culture directly 2013-03-01 · 884 S. Zhang et al. / Children and Youth Services Review 35 (2013) 883–889. maltreated children. Manly suggests that maltreatment related timing children and youth national policies and their development.

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Children and youth services review

Anyone who wants to read the articles should pay by individual or institution to access the articles. Children and Youth Services Review Key Factor Analysis. Language. Children and Youth Services Review.

three influence the microsystem of the family and the way children are raised in it. 2.1. Children and Youth Services Review 98 (2019) 72–79 Available online 15 December 2018 service agencies to screen for human trafficking (i.e., labor and/or sex A.E. Thompson et al.
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/ Children and Youth Services Review 34 (2012) 1472–1479 1473. contained measures of family functioning, predominantly parenting factors and family interactions were addressed.

/ Children and Youth This special issue of Children and Youth Services Review aims at advancing knowledge on child and youth participation in decision-making by examining a wide range of relevant empirical data from various arenas within developing countries. Children and Youth Services Review, v17 n3 p449-59 1995. Reviews: (1) "Deciding Who Lives: Fateful Choices in the Intensive-Care Nursery" (Renee Anspach); (2 M.A. Easterbrooks et al. / Children and Youth Services Review 33 (2011) 42–50 43 study at Time 1, approximately 79% (286) completed the final (Time 4) research interview, and 21% (75) left the evaluation at some point.
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• child welfare  A comparative study of child welfare systems: abstract orientations and concrete results. Children and Youth Services Review, 34(3), 532-536. Heimer, M.,  A comparative study of child welfare systems: abstract orientations and concrete results. Children and Youth Services Review.

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Fiedler Backteman, U., Blennow, M., & Lindfors, A. (2014).